
BaseCore.sol contains the base logic for the proxy contracts used in the Unlockd Protocol. It provides functions for creating and managing module proxies and handling module-specific logic.

Key variables:

_moduleLookup: A mapping that stores the implementation address for each module ID.

_proxyLookup: A mapping that stores the proxy address for each module ID (only for single-proxy modules).

_trustedSenders: A mapping that stores the trusted sender information for each proxy address, including the module ID and implementation address (only for external single-proxy modules).

Key functions:

function _createProxy(
    uint256 proxyModuleId
) internal returns (address)

Creates a new proxy contract for the specified module ID. It deploys a new instance of the UnlockdMinimalProxy contract and stores the proxy address in the _proxyLookup mapping if the module ID is within the range of external single-proxy modules. It also updates the _trustedSenders mapping with the module ID and implementation address for the proxy.


proxyModuleId: The ID of the module for which to create a proxy.


The address of the created proxy contract.

function callInternalModule(
    uint256 moduleId,
    bytes memory input
  ) internal returns (bytes memory)

Performs a delegatecall to the specified module contract with the provided input data. It retrieves the module implementation address from the _moduleLookup mapping and delegates the call using assembly. If the call fails, it reverts with the returned error data.


moduleId: The ID of the module to call.

input: The input data for the module call.


The return data from the module call.

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