The GuardOwner contract is responsible for deploying and initializing the TransactionGuard contract. It sets up the TransactionGuard as the guard for the GnosisSafe contract and manages guard-related operations.
Key Functions:
Initializes the GuardOwner contract with the necessary parameters.
(address): The address of the TransactionGuard beacon contract.
(address): The address of the GnosisSafe contract.
(address): The address of the wallet owner.
(address): The address of the DelegationOwner contract.
(address): The address of the ProtocolOwner contract.
Internal function to set up the TransactionGuard as the guard for the GnosisSafe contract.
(address): The address of the GnosisSafe contract.
(TransactionGuard): The address of the TransactionGuard contract.
Deploys a new instance of the TransactionGuard contract using a beacon proxy.
Sets the TransactionGuard as the guard for the GnosisSafe contract.
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