
The CoreStorage.sol contract is responsible for storing the core storage variables and mappings used by the Unlockd Protocol.

Key storage variables:

_moduleLookup: Mapping of module IDs to their implementation addresses.

_proxyLookup: Mapping of module IDs to their proxy addresses (only for single-proxy modules).

_trustedSenders: Mapping of proxy addresses to their trusted sender information.

_aclManager: Address of the ACL (Access Control List) manager contract.

_walletRegistry: Address of the wallet registry contract.

_allowedControllers: Address of the allowed controllers contract.

_reserveOracle: Address of the reserve oracle contract.

_signer: Address of the signer used for signature verification.

_uTokenVault: Address of the UToken vault contract.

_safeERC721: Address of the SafeERC721 contract.

_signNonce: Mapping of addresses to their current signature nonce.

_allowedCollections: Mapping of collection addresses to their allowed reserve types.

_allowedMarketAdapter: Mapping of market adapter addresses to their active status.

_loans: Mapping of loan IDs to their corresponding loan data.

_orders: Mapping of order IDs to their corresponding order data.

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