
Welcome to the Unlockd Wallet developer documentation. This documentation aims to comprehensively understand the smart contracts and architecture behind the Unlockd Wallet, a cutting-edge solution for secure asset management and delegation on the blockchain.

The Unlockd Wallet is built upon the Gnosis Safe framework and extends its functionality to enable granular asset and signature delegation. It empowers asset owners to delegate specific assets to trusted parties for a defined duration while maintaining ultimate control and ownership. The wallet also supports signature delegation, allowing delegates to sign transactions on behalf of the asset owner within predefined limits.

The Unlockd Wallet ecosystem comprises several smart contracts that provide a secure and flexible delegation mechanism. The main components include:

  1. DelegationWalletFactory: Responsible for deploying and configuring new Delegation Wallets.

  2. DelegationWalletRegistry: Keeps track of deployed Delegation Wallets and their associated components.

  3. GnosisSafe: The underlying Gnosis Safe contract is the foundation for the Delegation Wallet.

  4. DelegationOwner: Manages asset and signature delegation, interacting with DelegationRecipes and AllowedControllers.

  5. GuardOwner: Manages the TransactionGuard contract, which enforces delegation and locking rules.

  6. ProtocolOwner: Handles protocol-level functions and permissions.

  7. TransactionGuard: Enforces delegation and locking rules, validating transactions based on predefined conditions.

  8. DelegationRecipes: Registers and manages allowed functions for specific asset collections.

  9. AllowedControllers: Manages allowed delegation and lock controllers.

These contracts enable asset owners to grant specific permissions to delegates while maintaining control over their assets.

Documentation Overview This documentation is structured to provide a deep dive into the Unlockd Wallet's architecture, smart contracts, and interactions. It is intended for developers, auditors, and anyone interested in understanding its inner workings.

The following sections will cover:

  1. Architecture: A high-level overview of the Unlockd Wallet's contract interactions and data flow.

  2. Smart Contracts: This section provides detailed explanations of each smart contract, including its purpose, state variables, functions, and events.

By exploring this documentation, you will comprehensively understand the Unlocked Wallet's underlying technology and how it achieves secure and flexible asset delegation.

Last updated