
Manager.sol is a module contract that provides management functionality for the Unlockd Protocol. It allows authorized users to set and update various protocol parameters. e

Key functions:

function setSafeERC721(address safeERC721)

Sets the address of the SafeERC721 contract. Only callable by the admin role.


safeERC721: The address of the SafeERC721 contract to be set.

function getSafeERC721() external view returns (address)

Returns the address of the SafeERC721 contract.

function setReserveOracle(address oracle) external onlyAdmin

Sets the address of the reserve oracle contract. Only callable by the admin role.


oracle: The address of the reserve oracle contract to be set.

function getReserveOracle() external view returns (address)

Returns the address of the reserve oracle contract.

function setSigner(address signer) external onlyAdmin

Sets the address of the signer used for signature verification. Only callable by the admin role.


signer: The address of the signer to be set.

function getSigner() external view returns (address)

Returns the address of the signer used for signature verification.

function setWalletRegistry(address walletRegistry) external onlyAdmin

Sets the address of the wallet registry contract. Only callable by the admin role.


walletRegistry: The address of the wallet registry contract to be set.

function getWalletRegistry() external view returns (address)

Returns the address of the wallet registry contract.

function setAllowedControllers(
    address allowedControllers
) external onlyAdmin

Sets the address of the allowed controller contract. Only callable by the admin role.


allowedControllers: The address of the allowed controller contract to be set.

function getCollectionReserveType(
    address collection
 ) external view returns (Constants.ReserveType)

Returns the address of the allowed controller contract.

function allowCollectionReserveType(
    address collection,
    Constants.ReserveType reserveType
  ) external onlyAdmin

Allows a specific collection and reserve type combination. Only callable by the admin role.


collection: The address of the collection to be allowed.

reserveType: The reserve type to be associated with the collection.

function getCollectionReserveType(
    address collection
  ) external view returns (Constants.ReserveType)

Returns the reserve type associated with a given collection.


collection: The address of the collection.

function setUTokenVault(address uTokenVault) external onlyAdmin

Sets the address of the UTokenVault contract. Only callable by the admin role.


uTokenVault: The address of the UTokenVault contract to be set.

function getUTokenVault() external view returns (address)

Returns the address of the UTokenVault contract.

function addMarketAdapters(
    address adapter, 
    bool active
) external onlyGovernance

Adds or removes a market adapter from the allowed list. Only callable by the governance role.


adapter: The address of the market adapter to be added or removed.

active: A boolean indicating whether the adapter should be active or not.

function isMarketAdapterActive(address adapter) external view returns (uint256)

Returns the status of a market adapter (active or disabled).


adapter: The address of the market adapter.

function emergencyFreezeLoan(bytes32 loanId) external onlyEmergency
function emergencyActivateLoan(bytes32 loanId) external onlyEmergency
function emergencyBlockLoan(bytes32 loanId) external onlyEmergency

Emergency functions to freeze, activate, or block a loan. Only callable by the emergency admin role.


loanId: The ID of the loan to be frozen, activated, or blocked.

function emergencyUpdateEndTimeAuction(
    bytes32 orderId,
    uint40 newEndTime
  ) external onlyEmergency 

Emergency function to update the end time of an auction. Only callable by the emergency admin role.


orderId: The ID of the order associated with the auction.

newEndTime: The new end time for the auction.

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