
BaseCoreModule.sol serves as the base contract for each module in the Unlockd Protocol. It inherits from BaseCore.sol and provides additional functionality specific to modules.

Key variables:

moduleId: The unique identifier of the module.

moduleVersion: The version of the module.

Key functions:

constructor(uint256 moduleId_, bytes32 moduleVersion_)

Initializes the contract with the module ID and version.


moduleId_: The ID of the module.

moduleVersion_: The version of the module.

function unpackTrailingParamMsgSender() 
internal pure returns (address msgSender)

Retrieves the original sender address from the calldata using assembly.


The original sender's address.

function unpackTrailingParams() 
internal pure returns (
    address msgSender, 
    address proxyAddr

Retrieves the original sender address and proxy address from the calldata using assembly.


msgSender: The original sender's address.

proxyAddr: The proxy address.

function _checkHasUnlockdWallet(
    address msgSender
) internal view 

Description: Checks if the sender has a valid Unlockd wallet by querying the wallet registry contract.


msgSender: The address of the sender to check.

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