
BaseToken.sol is a contract that provides the base implementation for ERC20 tokens used within the Unlockd Protocol.

Key functions:

function __BaseToken_init(
    address aclManager_, 
    address uTokenVault_, 
    uint8 decimals_, 
    string calldata name_, 
    string calldata symbol_
) internal onlyInitializing

Initializes the BaseToken contract with the provided parameters.


aclManager_: The address of the ACL manager contract.

uTokenVault_: The address of the UToken vault contract.

decimals_: The number of decimals used by the token.

name_: The name of the token.

symbol_: The symbol of the token.

function setActive(bool active) external onlyEmergencyAdmin

Sets the active state of the token.


active: A boolean indicating whether to set the token as active or not.

function setFrozen(bool frozen) external onlyEmergencyAdmin

Sets the frozen state of the token.


frozen: A boolean indicating whether to set the token as frozen or not.

function decimals() public view virtual override returns (uint8)

Returns the number of decimals used by the token.


The number of decimals as a uint8.

function _transfer(
    address sender, 
    address recipient, 
    uint256 amount
) internal virtual override

Transfers tokens from the sender to the recipient.


sender: The address of the sender.

recipient: The address of the recipient.

amount: The amount of tokens to transfer.

function _mint(
    address account, 
    uint256 amount
) internal virtual override isFrozen isActive

Mints new tokens to the specified account.


account: The address of the account to mint tokens to.

amount: The amount of tokens to mint.

function _burn(
    address account, 
    uint256 amount
) internal virtual override isFrozen

Burns tokens from the specified account.


account: The address of the account to burn tokens from.

amount: The amount of tokens to burn.

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