
WETHGateway.sol is a contract that serves as a gateway for wrapping and unwrapping ETH and interacting with WETH (Wrapped ETH) within the Unlockd Protocol.

Key functions:

function authorizeProtocol(
    address uTokenVault
) external onlyOwner

Authorizes the Unlockd Protocol to interact with the WETH contract.


uTokenVault: The address of the UTokenVault contract.

function depositETH(address onBehalfOf) external payable override

Deposits ETH and mints corresponding WETH tokens.


onBehalfOf: The address to deposit ETH on behalf of.

function withdrawETH(uint256 amount, address to) external override

Withdraws WETH tokens and receives ETH.


amount: The amount of WETH to withdraw.

to: The address to receive the withdrawn ETH.

function emergencyTokenTransfer(
    address token, 
    address to, 
    uint256 amount
) external onlyOwner

Performs an emergency transfer of ERC20 tokens.


token: The address of the token to transfer.

to: The recipient address of the token transfer.

amount: The amount of tokens to transfer.

function emergencyEtherTransfer(
    address to, 
    uint256 amount
) external onlyOwner

Performs an emergency transfer of ETH.


to: The recipient address of the ETH transfer.

amount: The amount of ETH to transfer.

function getWETHAddress() external view returns (address)

Returns the address of the WETH contract.

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